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ABN: Aeredrome Beacon
ACC: Area control Centre or Area control
ACFT: A/C Aircraft
ACN : Aircraft Classification Number
AD: A/D Aedrome
ADF: Automatic Direction:Finding equipment
ADIZ: Air Defence Identification Zone
ADNC: Air Defence Notification Center
ADR: Advisory Route
ADS: Ads Air Defence Sector
ADZ: Adz Advise
AF: Audio Frequency
AFB: Air Force Base
AFC: Automatic Frequency Control
AFI: After
AFIL: Flight Plan Filled in the Air
AFIS: Aerodrome Flight Information Service
AFIS: Automated Flight Inspection System
AFS: Aeronautical Fixed Service
AFTN: Aeronautical fixed Telecommunication Network
AGA: Aerodrome, Air Rootes and Ground aids
AGL: Above Ground Level
AH: Air Warning
AHACS: Airborne Warning and Control System
AIC: Aeronautical Information Circular
AIP: Aeronautical Information Publication
AIRAC: Aeronautical Information Regulation ve control
AIS: Aeronautical Information services
ALERFA: Alert Phase
ALS: Approach Light System
ALT alt: Altitude
ALTN: Alternate
AOC: Air Operation Centre
AP A/P: Airport
APP App: Approach Control Office or Approach Control
APRON :These are areas reserved for the parking of aircraft at an airport, fuel supply, loading and unloading of passengers, cargo, mail and cargo, and their maintenance.
Airfield Operation Assistant:Airport officer who regulates the parking positions of landing aircraft, reports aircraft that do not comply with the rules, and physically monitors the use of the apron.
PURIFIED AREAS: PURIFIED AREAS: At airports open to international flights, these are the halls where passengers are taken after the declaration and control process in terms of customs legislation before entering and exiting, and at the same time, passengers coming from abroad and going to another airport of the same country or another country without entering customs are taken before boarding the plane and isolated by customs.
ARP: Aerodrome Referance Point
ARR: Arrival
In fact, supersonic business jet work was carried out in 1991 in partnership with American Gulfstream and Russian Sukhoi companies. The project called S:21 was canceled because it could not receive orders. In 1998, French business jet manufacturer Dassault launched a supersonic jet project. The biggest problem in the project was the engine. All manufactured supersonic engines were designed for military jets. The main obstacle of military engines is the need for frequent maintenance and excessive fuel consumption.
ATA: Actual Time of Arrival
ATC: Air Traffic Control
ATCC: Air Traffic Control Center
ATD: Actual Time of Departure
ATFM: Air Traffic Flow Management
ATFMU: Air Traffic Flow Management Unit
ATN: Aeronautical Telecommunication Network
ATS: Air Traffic Services
AWOS: Automatic Weather observation System
AWY: Airway
B 1B: Lancer With its moving wings and supersonic speed, B: 1B broke new ground in aircraft design.
BCSI: Broadcast
BDRY: Boundary
BEA: British European Airways
CAA: Civil Aviation Authority
CAFE BAR: Section reserved for the sale of ready-made food and beverages.
CAT: Category
CAVOK: Ceiling and Visibility OK
CEAC: Committee For European Airspace Coordination
CHANGE OFFICE: These are the offices where foreign exchange transactions are carried out.
CHARTER TERMINAL: Terminal building reserved for passengers traveling on flights other than scheduled or regular flights.
CHECK IN: It means that airline or ground service personnel carry out ticket and baggage transactions and checks of passengers at the Airport Terminals.
CHECK: IN COUNTER: These are well-equipped desks where passengers’ check-in procedures are carried out in terminals.
CHECK: IN HALLS: These are the sections where the check: in counters are located in the terminals.
CIDIN: Common ICAO Data Interchange Network ICAO (Common (common) information exchange network)
CIP PASSENGER: Important businessman, person of commercial importance.
CIV: Civil
CL Center: line (Center line (runway center line))
CLSD:  Closed
CNL: :Cancel or Cancelled
CNS: Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
COM: Communication
COMINT: Communication Intelligence
COP Change: Over Point
CPL:  Current Flight
CTR: Control Zone
D/F: Direction Finder
DEP: Departure
DEST: Destination
DFTI: Distance from touchdown indicator
DIG: Date Time Grup
DLA: Delay
DME: Distance measuring Equipment
DSE: Double side band
DUPE: Duplication
DUTY FREE SHOP: Shops at airports where shopping is done without being charged customs duty.
DVOR: Doppler VOR Doppler VOR (VOR less affected by obstacle reflections, improved antenna system)
EANPG: European Air Navigation Planning Group
EAT: Expected Approach Time
ECAC: European Civil Aviation Conference
ECLIPSE 500 PRIVATE JET: Eclipse 500 John Travolta, Ralf Schumacher etc. It was used by 260 prominent people.
ELEV: el- Elevation
EMERG: Emergency
Apart from old Concordes and military jets, there are no aircraft that can fly above the speed of sound. Businessmen, Concordes’ most important customers, are on the hunt today.
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETC: Etcetera (and the rest, and soforth.) (Vesaire (v.s.))
ETD: Estimated Time of Departure
EUR: European Region
EUROCONTROL: European Organization for the Safety of air Navigation
FAA : Federal Aviation Administration
FAC: Final approach course
FAF: Final approach fix
FANS: Future Air Navigation
FAP: Final approach point
FDPS: Flight Data Processing System
FIC: Flight Information centre
FIR: Flight Information Region
FIS: Flight Information service
FL: Flight Level
FM: Fan Marker
FM: Frequency Modulation
FOD: Foreign Object Damage
FPL: Filled Flight
FREO: Frequency
FT: Feet (Dimensional Unit) Feet
FTC: Fast Time Constant (Elc.)
FUO: Foreign object damage (Damage caused by a foreign object (stone, bird, etc. in the Square PAT area))
GCA: Ground controlled approach
GMT: Greenwich Mean Time
GND: Ground
GP: Glide Path
GRP: Grou
GS: Ground Speed
GST: Glide Slope Intercept Altitude
CUSTOMS CUSTODY : Isolated halls used at international open airports to inspect or detain passengers’ belongings or other cargo, cargo and mail in terms of customs legislation, or to apply the provisions of customs legislation during the receipt or sending of all kinds of goods and materials going abroad or coming from abroad. are buildings.
CUSTOMS HALL : These are isolated halls at airports open to international flights where passengers are subject to declaration or control in terms of customs legislation before entering and exiting. Due to noise, civilian supersonic aircraft are allowed to fly in areas where there are no settlements, such as the sea. Now both companies aim to minimize noise by making changes to the design of the aircraft.
HA: Continuous day and night service
HAA: Height above airport elevation
HANGAR : These are generally large buildings used at airports for the maintenance and repair of aircraft or for storing them.
LINE: Height above touchdown
AIRPORT : Areas on land or water, including the buildings, facilities and equipment, designed for the use of aircraft for landing, take-off and ground movements.
HAVAŞ : Havaalans Yer Hizmetleri A.Ş. It is the organization that carries out ground handling services at airports.
HEL: Helicopter
HIPAR: High Power acquisition radar
HOG: Heading
HOSP: Hospital Aircraft
HR: Hours
HS: Service available during hours of scheduled operations
HX: No specific working hours
IAC: Initial Approach Course
IAF: Initial Approach Fix
IAF: Instrument approach and Landing Chart
IAS: Indicated Airspeed (Indicator speed (The speed indicated by the speedometer on the aircraft)
IATA: Internatinol Air Transport Assocation
ICAA: Internatinol Civil Airports Assocation
ICAN: International Comission for Air Navigation
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
ID: Identifier or Identify
IFALPA: International Federation of Airlines Pilots
IFATCA: International Federation Air Traffic Controllers Association
IFF: Identification Friend / Foe
IFR: Instrument Flight Rules
IFRB: International Frequency Registration Board
ILS: Instrument Landing System
IM: Inner Marker
IMC: Instrument meteorological conditions
INA: Initial Approach
INBD: Inbound
INCERFA: Uncertainity Phase
INFO: Information
INOP: Inoperative
INS: Inertial Navigation System
IR: Ice on Runway
ISA: International Standart Atmosphore
ITU: International Telecommunication Union
Its cabin was designed by BMW. It carries 4 and maximum 5 passengers. Eclipse 500 is one of the preferred personal jets among private planes. It is a silent twin-engine jet. Eclipse 500, the world’s first twin-engine light business jet , has a 2011 factory price of 2,800,000 Turkish Liras. It is operational and economical (it consumes 40 percent less fuel than its counterparts).
SHORT WINGS;Opposite Lockheed Martin are Boeing and Raytheon. Both companies have significant strength and experience in the aviation industry, both in passenger aircraft and business jets. With the project called Aerion, it is aimed to make its speed 300 kilometers per hour higher than its rival, thanks to its short wings.
COMPOSITE COATING: It is the mixed concrete and asphalt coating of a runway.
CONVEYOR: These are the lanes that serve as mechanical carriers used by passengers during passenger check-in at the terminals to send the luggage that will not be with the passenger to be placed on the plane or to collect the luggage coming from the plane.
L: Left (Runway Identification)
LASER: Light Aplification by Stimulated Emision of Radition
LAT: Latitude
LCA: Lowest Coverage Altitude
LCm: Compass Locator at Outer Marker
LDA: Landing Distance Available
LIDAR: Light Detection and Ranging
LLZ: Localizer (ICAO)
LMT: Local Mean Time
LOC: Localizer (FAA) (Localizer (FAA)) Opposite Lockheed Martin are Boeing and Raytheon. Both companies have significant strength and experience in the aviation industry, both in passenger aircraft and business jets. With the project called Aerion, it is aimed to have a speed of 300 kilometers per hour higher than its rival, thanks to its short wings.
LOPAR: Low Power Acquisition Radar
LORAN: Long Range Air Navigation System
MAA: Maximum authorized altitude
MAPT: Missed Approach Point
MDA: Minimum descent altitude
MES: Microwave System
METAR: Aviation Routime Weather Report
MGL: Mean Sea Level
MM: Middle Marker
MOCA: Minimum obstruction clearence altitude
MODE: Meteorogical Operational Telecomunications Network
MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures
MTI: Moving Target Indicator
NADGE: NATO Air Defence Ground Envirenment
NAMSA: NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
NAV: Navigation
NAVAID: Air Navigation Facility
NDB- Non- Directional radio Beacon
Ni-na: Nautical Miles
NOF: International NOTAM Ofiice
NOTAM: Notice to Airmen
O/R: On request
OM: Outer Marker
OPR: Operator or Operate or Operative or Operating or Operational
OPS: Operations
ORB: Orbit
OVERFLIGHT FLIGHT: It is the act of an aircraft crossing a country’s airspace without landing anywhere.
P: Prohibited (Area)
PANS: Procedures for air navigation services
PAPI: Precision approach path indicator
PAR: Precision Approach Radar
PAT: (Runway-Apron-Taxiway)
PCN: Pavement Classification Number
PEAK DAY, PEAK HOUR: It is the highest number of passengers, aircraft, cargo etc. recorded per unit day or hour at an airport within a certain period (usually within a calendar year).
PİST: These are rectangular areas prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft on a land aerodrome.
PLN: Flight Plan
PPI: Plan Position Indicator
PSGR: Passengers
PWR: Power
QBI: Compulsory IFR Flight
QFE: Atmospheric pressure at Aerodrome Elevation
QFU: Magnetic Orientation of Runway
QNH: Altimeter Sub-scale Setting to obtain elevation when on the ground
R/T: Receiver-Transmitter
RAC: Rules of Air and Air Traffic Services
RADAR: Radio Detection and ranging
RCC: Rescue Co-ordination Center
RIGHT: Runway Identification
RNAV: Area Navigation
RPL: Repetitive Flight Plan
RRP: Runway Reference Point
RSC: Rescue Sub-Centre
RSR: En-Route Surveillance radar
RVR: Runway Visual range
RWY: Runway
SAR: Search and Rescue
SATKOM: Satellite Communications
SELCAL: Selective calling System
FAST-SOUND AIRPLANES/JETS: The historical development of these aircraft (see supersonic jet), which can now reach 2200 km per hour, has been as follows.
SHAPE: Supreme Headquarter Allied Powers Europe
SHORAN: Short Range Navigation
SIA: Standart Instrument Arrival
SIAP: Standart Instrument Approach Procedure
SID: Standart Instrument Departure
SITA: Airlines Worldwide Telecomunications and Information Services
SNACK BAR: These are places reserved for selling ready-made food and beverages.
SOC: Sector Operation Center
SONAR: Sound navigation and Ranging
SOS: Save our Souls
SPL: Supplementary Flight Plan
SSBJ ve Aerion: Two projects aim to realize the dream this time.
SSR: Secondary Surveillance Radar (Radar beacon working with Mutual MODE (KOT) sending and response system)
STA: Stright in Approach
STANAG: Standardization Agreement
STAR: Standart Instrument Arrival Route
STC: Sensitivity Time Constan
STN: Station (Station Communication, SSY etc.)
STOL: Short Take-off and Landing
SUPERSONIC JET: The biggest problem of supersonic planes is noise. The sound waves that occur when flying at less than the speed of sound spread forward because they are faster than the plane. As the plane exceeds the speed of sound, the sound waves it produces begin to overlap.
SX: Simplex (Communication system that sends and receives one-way at the same time)
SYCBL: Serviceable
T: Temperature
TACAN: Tactical Air Navigation
TAF: Tactical Air Force
TAXI: The movement of the aircraft on the ground
TAKSIRUT: Standard sized roads arranged for aircraft to travel between sections such as runways and aprons on the ground at an airport.
TAR: Terminal Area Surveillance Radar
TAS: True Air Speed
TAX: Taxiing or taxi
TDZ: Touchdown Zone
TFC: Traffic (Message traffic, airplane traffic, etc.) Vibration increases greatly due to overlapping sound waves, creating high pressure. When the speed of sound, called Mach 1, reaches the limit of 340 meters per second, the aircraft overcomes these superimposed waves, that is, the sound barrier. During this transition, explosion sounds are heard.
TMA: Terminal control Area
TO: Technical Order
TODA: Take of Distance Available
TTR: Target Tracking Radar
TVOR: Terminal VOR
TWR: Aerodrome control Tower or Aerodrome control
TWY: Taxiway
UAR: Upper Air Route (High level airline (above 24500 ft))
UCA: Upper Control Area
1947 Bell X-1A Test pilot Chuck Yeager became the first pilot to exceed the speed of sound in 1947.
1953 F-100 Super Saber The F-100 was the first mass-produced supersonic fighter jet.
1964 SR-71 Blackbird The fastest aircraft ever produced, the SR-71, was used for reconnaissance purposes.
1976 Concorde The British-French jointly manufactured Concorde passenger plane entered service.
1992 Sukhoi-Gulfstream S-21 Russian-American project ended because orders could not be received.
1998 Dassault Falcon SST The project was canceled because an engine with sufficient performance could not be found.
As of 2012, the price of the jet is 120 million Turkish Liras. The planes have 12 seats. The supersonic aircraft debate came to the agenda again with two projects at the 2012 NBAA Fair. On one side there is Lockheed Martin. Lockheed, which made its name with military aircraft as well as projects such as the SR-71, which flies three times faster than sound, and the F-117, which cannot be detected by radar, wants to get a share of the market with the project called SSBJ. The aircraft has an inverted ‘V’ shaped tail structure.
The need for supersonic business jets is between 250-300 aircraft by 2022. The biggest customers are companies that provide shared aircraft services such as NetJet
7,400 Km. The development cost of supersonic business jets is 3 billion dollars.

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